Ynysybwl Regeneration Partnership has been a partner in the Mobile Learning Communities project funded through Erasmus. We have worked with partners across Europe developing a handbook and toolkit that encourages young people to develop their own information on their local area to produce QR codes that set challenges for people to undertake and have fun.
It is common knowledge that most young people carry a smartphone and we decided they’d be the perfect tool to explore the H5P platform made available through Mobile Learning Communities. Luckily the 40+ young people that attended were confident to give it a go after a brief introduction and ‘how to’ on using ‘google lens’. There were about a dozen QR codes hanging in and around the club that incorporated trivia, the Welsh language, local history, fitness challenges and even karaoke! Let me tell you a lot of giggles ensued. Once a young person completed all the challenges, they were given the opportunity to edit something they had just completed on H5P or replace with a new prompt altogether. Before long the QR trail content was entirely young person created – (and very silly!). Although it was a light-hearted event the young people had some concrete takeaways: they were introduced to our partner organisation’s platform, they learned how QR codes can be created and utilised for learning, and they practiced themselves on H5P and as users (many had not used a QR scanner before). We wrapped up the session by asking young people to find our notice boards around the village and on the Lady Windsor trail so they can scan and learn more about the biodiversity on their doorstep. Happily, several young people returned in subsequent weeks to share what they found and explored the content through the QR scanner we had introduced them to.
Prior to this evening event young leaders participated in a series of workshops in July 2022 where we unpicked civic engagement through activism and discussion (litter picking, trail maintenance, Himalayan Balsam pulling). We designed workshops around our learning that were then adopted into the Mobile Learning Communities handbook for use in partner organisations. In the winter of 2022, we also had the opportunity to pilot several of the wellbeing workshops from the handbook and our young people thoroughly enjoyed diving into the subject matter and sharing in a supportive/constructive manner. We had deep discussions about self-esteem, positive and negative habits as well as routines that could set them up for success. It was great having inspirational ideas to run with from another country and a refreshing new perspective. At the conclusion of our wellbeing series the participants went on to discuss ways they could pass their newfound knowledge forward and give back as well. It is a great program, and we are lucky to be part of its development.
Wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do at Ynysybwl Regeneration Partnership. Our projects encompass developing community assets, youth work, promoting environmental initiatives, online learning, gardening, getting outdoors, raising awareness, volunteering, the list goes on!
For further information on Mobile learning Communities: https://mobilelearningcommunities.eu/