My Zone +

My Zone+

A page of hints and tips, if you're managing family life or are shielding, helping you to the other side of lockdown.

Home Schooling 

Keeping your children motivated and lessons enjoyable is a challenge at the moment but there is help out there:
  • Starline - A new government helpline for frazzled parents struggling to home school their children during the Corona-Virus pandemic are to be offered support through a new national helpline. Named 'StarLine', the service will offer advice to families on how to educate their children at homes while schools are closed due to the outbreak of Covid-19. Lines are open 6 days a week – 0330 3139162 calls are charged at a local rate
  • For 11 essential home schooling tips visit  mumsnet
  • BBC Bitesize has lots of resources available for all school ages.

Managing Family life 

Family life can be stressful in normal times and these are not normal times! There is much information for coping with the ups and downs of family life available including:

Keeping in Touch 

Now more than ever we need to be able to talk to those we care about.

Video calling is a great way to feel closer to people while apart, as you can see and talk them. There are a number of ways to do this – Skype, Zoom, Facetime. Learn my way have a step by step guide to help you get connected. 


Make a cuppa and exercise your brain with these:

Cross Words Jigsaws Dingbats Word Search


You mustn’t forget to look after your body and soul during lock-down, Taking a few minutes for yourself, when you can is a must. A good way to do this is meditation. 
If your feeling stressed and anxious or have some extra time on your hands, why not try this simple 5 minute meditation video? You can do this anywhere.


This is the ideal video to listen to before bed to get yourself ready for a good nights sleep. 

Keeping Active 

Keeping active indoors can be fun – especially if you follow along to one of the many free videos available online – whatever your age

Home workout for seniors

Home Yoga for beginners 

HIIT workout for beginners  

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